Sticky Google Plus Badge For Websites/Blogs

The Google+ Badge is the most reliable way to reach a wider audience and get more followers for your Google+ page, profile or community. Although the Google+ Followers widget is quite amazing but you cannot ignore the uniqueness of the ‘Sticky’ Google+ Badge widget. The ...

All-In-One Social Media Widget With Cute Subscription Form

Yesterday, you were finally able to acquire a ‘silly’ twitter bird flying around your website. Today I am going to show you how you can add a floating social media box with a cute subscription form to your website or blog. Nothing new, just an old tutorial we use to have in our blog ...

Stick any Web Page Element/Widget on Scroll

If you are a Google+ user, you must have notice that when you scroll past your cover picture, the navigation bar automatically maintains a fixed position (the position is only changed when you scroll above it). I guess that’s what you are looking for? Also read: Add google map to your ...

How to Disable Comments in a Single Page in Intensedebate Comment System

Why would anyone want to disable comments on any page? There are so many reasons why you would like to disable comments on a particular page. e.g. you might want to disallow comments on your about page or contact us page. There is no link to do that from your intensedebate dashboard but ...

Sticky Tooltip Widget For Blogger

The new generation of webdesign has seen a lots dynamic and 3D effects, unfortunately since you are hosting on the blogger platform, it does seems like you are not entitled to enjoy those features, however, we are doing our best to ensure that our readers are upto date with the latest website ...

Maximize your Website Revenue with Infolinks

Google continues deactivation of adsense account and very negligible cpc (cost per click) of many ad networks such as bidvertiser, adstract etc have left many website owners with a few option to reckon with. Many websites owners consider it more safer to stick with only google adsense even if ...

How to Use Custom Blogger Contact Form on Static/Post Pages.

By default blogger will allow you to add the contact form to the side bar but you can easily embed its code on any post or static page easily by copying the HTML code by viewing the browser source code (Ctrl + U). Cool down, there is no need to put you through that stress, simply follow my ...

Customize Blogger Contact Form

Recently blogger added a widget to their directory and that is a small contact form with two input fields for name and Email and a text area for writing the message. Here on EWT the contact form in our contact page is a bit complex but blogger has introduced a more simple one and has made it ...

New! Simple Contact Form Widget for Blogger

Blogger is on point again, this time with a simple and cute looking contact form to add on your blog sidebar. If you are already used to writing/publishing your email address on your blog, you will agree with that one time or the other you might have received an e-mail from a “Prince in ...

Give your IntenseDebate a nice look with custom css

Last time I wrote an article on how to install intensedebate on your Blogger powered blog, to day I am going to show you how you can give your intensedebate comment platform a wordpress comment look using custom css. Simple follow the steps below. :Login to IntneseDebate. Goto sites and click on ...