PHP 7, the 7th major update in the server-side programming language, has made its release as of December 3rd. PHP is a server-side programming language that powers over 200 million websites, and is the fourth most popular programming language in the world.
PHP 7 is the first major update to the ...
Heads up guys, no need to be taken aback the next time you encounter C++ snippets on my blog.
Embracing the timeless wisdom of the old Latin adage “Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas” (One must keep learning as long as one lives), I find myself cultivating a fresh and robust ...
Is back to the classroom, as we take a look at the five ‘most’ basic tips that will help you in your PHP lessons.
Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP is one of the most commonly used programming languages on the web, PHP is a valuable skill for any young developers to posses. Most popular ...