How to Disable or Enable Oxwall Captcha on Join Form

Did you update to Oxwall 1.8.1? One of it’s benefit is that you no longer need the ‘removing standard captcha from Oxwall join page’ mod we shared sometime ago. Users of Oxwall 1.8.1 and later versions will now be able to remove the Oxwall standard captcha right from their admin ...

New Mobile Theme, License Key Check, What have changed in Oxwall 1.8.1?

Oxwall 1.8.1 is here, but whether a platform update [on your side] is inevitable or not is your decision to make. If you are a constant visitor of EwtNet I assume you are no stranger to modifying Oxwall core files, which I’m sure you are very aware that updating your platform will mean ...

38% Discount for YourWebsite Share Button… Get it for Just $16

YourWebsite Share Button Oxwall Plugin has been subsidized for the festive season only. Now, you can get it for just $16.    If you are familiar with this plugin, then, you should know that this plugin basically allow third parties to place your website share button on their website or apps, ...

PHP 7 has been released

PHP 7, the 7th major update in the server-side programming language, has made its release as of December 3rd. PHP is a server-side programming language that powers over 200 million websites, and is the fourth most popular programming language in the world. PHP 7 is the first major update to the ...

Oxwall/Skadate Marketing Strategy – See Proven Techniques

Congratulations on acquiring your Skadate dating software license – the first step is complete! Your Oxwall or Skadate website is up and running? Fantastic! You’ve even got a few users in the early days? Impressive! Your Oxwall/Skadate marketing efforts are showing!Now, here comes the truth ...

How to Add Floatbox (Cute PopUp) on Oxwall

You know that cute box that pops up when you are cropping a new avatar or trying to upload a couple of pictures on Oxwall? That’s called the floatbox. It can also be used to display a nice little message or warning for your users when they visit your website. Today, I’m going to show ...

Increase or Decrease Minimum Length of Oxwall Password

The minimum length of password a user can use on your Oxwall site is by default 4 characters and maximum is 128 characters. This value can either be increased (Recommended) or decreased (Not Recommended) by modifying Oxwall core file. I’m aware that for some people, playing around with ...

Host1Plus – Best Alternative for Oxwall & WordPress Hosting

One of the biggest concerns for website owners is finding affordable and reliable hosting for their sites. In most cases, even trusted and so called ‘big names’ has been found wanting with the issues of downtime and resource usage. Host1Plus is here to tackle some of the issues of web hosting ...

My new interest…

Heads up guys, no need to be taken aback the next time you encounter C++ snippets on my blog.Embracing the timeless wisdom of the old Latin adage “Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas” (One must keep learning as long as one lives), I find myself cultivating a fresh and robust interest in ...

Newbie Console Calculator with C++ Classes

Ok, the classes story seems to be running everyone crazy. Here is a teeth bite of the much you can do with classes… If you are interested, you can  go through the code and try new values for yourself. Classes are not that difficult after all! /* Project: Simple Console Calculator with C++ ...