How to show off members name on their dashboard – Oxwall

Still on the Oxwall weekend, I hope you all are enjoying our awesome mods this weekend? Today, we will bring you an important mod you can use to add a little dynamism to your website. If you are using the Oxwall platform for your social network, here is good news for you and your members. With ...

Change the layout of your Oxwall blank templates

Oxwall platform has five different templates also known as master pages, assigned to control the appearance of various section and pages of the website. The sign-in page for instance, is controlled by the blank template while your dashboard is controlled by the general ...

Manage pages and menus in Oxwall platform

To start managing your website pages and menus, kindly goto Here you can see existing pages of your site, create new set of pages and change their order in main and bottom menus. Drag’n’drop items across menus to change their location. For ...

How to Change your Mobile Logo in Oxwall 1.6

As you are well aware of, Oxwall 1.6 is out with the long-awaited mobile feature pretty much in the basic stages. Our developers are still exploring the features of this new platform and experimenting with some custom mods. Custom join page mod v.1.6 and fix for plugin/theme update error has also ...

Awesome Facebook LikeBox for Websites and Blogs

Here we are again with this terrific widgets. People, over the years uses the facebook like button and default like box but today I want to introduce you to an amazing facebook widgets.Slightly like our all-in-one social media widget, the Floating Facebook Likebox is a Slider that hides the Like ...

Add Google Location Map to your Website or Blog

Welcome, today I want to show you how you can add a gogle map to your blog or website. I am going to try and keep this tutorial very short and simple, however, if you have any question do not hesitate to use our blog comment section. To fully understand the features of this widget, I recommend you ...

Add Twitter Flying Bird to your Blog/Website

Ever wondered how to get an amazing twitter bird flying to and fro in you website? Come on guys! Is time to get silly, this little cutie fly around your website axis and perches wherever  she (yes, a female bird. You can argue that if you so desire) finds rest. ...

Customize Your Oxwall Join Page: Facebook Look (Oxwall 1.6)

We have updated the code for custom Oxwall Join page. Some new features were added and we also used CSS instead of tables. Customization Here are some important customization you need to make before applying this code on your website. Replace Images In this code you will find IMAGE 1 and IMAGE ...

Correcting Update Error in Oxwall 1.6 (Solved)

Are you receiving a funny error message each time you want to update a particular theme or plugin in the new Oxwall 1.6?Notice: Use of undefined constant E_DEPRECATED – assumed ‘E_DEPRECATED’ in /public_html/1.6/ow_core/error_manager.php on line 144If you are receiving the above ...

Responsive AddThis Share with Whatsnext and Recommended Posts Widget

In the summer of last year AddThis launched a very important code for webmasters. The sharing widget which they named Smart Layers is intended to create a user friendly sharing interface for your users irrespective of what device or screen size they access your website with. In this version ...