Display a fancy user avatar widget on your Oxwall & Skadate website homepage. Get your users started with this greeting widget.
User Avatar Oxwall plugin will display a fancy user avatar widget on your homepage. The widget is displayed to members who are logged in. Additionally, the widget displays links to get the user started with the website. You can customize what to display in the widget from the admin setting.
The plugin is ‘easy-to-use’ and you can purchase it from the store. You can also check out the demo website to see how the plugin actually works.
User Avatar Oxwall plugin – Features
- Fancy header area.
- Profile avatar displayed in fancy header area.
- Greeting message displayed in the fancy header area.
- Default site avatar is used if user has no avatar.
- Link to change avatar.
- Upload photos directly from the widget.
- Ability to add custom widget content.
- Drag and drop this widget to any part of your website.
- Multi themes to choose from.

The plugin also features a friendly admin interface. You can customize the plugin features from this interface.

- Select style: choose a widget layout style.
- Change avatar background color.
- Change avatar size.
- Add your own content.