Oxwall Mobile Header and Body Plugin

Oxwall Mobile Header and Body plugin allows an admin to add extra header and body content to Oxwall and Skadate mobile version.

Oxwall Mobile Header and Body Plugin

Oxwall does not load desktop header and body content on mobile version. If you included any script like Google Analytics code on the header or body section of your website, it will not be loaded on mobile.

Oxwall Mobile Header and Body Plugin adds an extra section on your admin mobile settings page for including header and body content. The contents included on this page will only be loaded on your website mobile version.

This plugin will come handy if you need to include something like a tracking or marketing script on your website mobile version.

You can purchase Oxwall Mobile Header and Body plugin from the Oxwall store https://developers.oxwall.com/store/item/1527


This plugin  integrate seamlessly with Skadate software. Test has been carried up to the latest version of Skadate.

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  • https://www eobasi com/projects/ow-mobile-header-body-code-plugin/
  • handdwe